Tools For Planning

Planning and preparation involve researching and analyzing each idea’s viability and developing an action plan for implementation. The goal is to ensure your plans are realistic and achievable within your time and resources. Careful planning will also help identify potential risks and allow you to take steps to mitigate them.

Meet Your Resistance Exercise

This activity is designed to help teams anticipate and prepare for resistance when rolling out changes. Recognizing the potential pushback and understanding how to navigate it is a critical skill in effective change management.

Understanding the Nature of Change

Change is a constant in life and business, but it’s often met with resistance. People prefer familiarity and routine, making altering the status quo potentially disruptive. From minor procedural adjustments to major strategic shifts, different types of changes can elicit varying degrees of resistance.

Identification of Potential Resistance

The first step in this exercise is identifying who might resist the proposed change. This could be anyone with a stake in the outcome—employees, managers, customers, or board members. It is crucial to understand their perspective, including their concerns, fears, and potential objections. Document these for future reference.

Analysis of Resistance

Next, gauge the severity of potential resistance. Is it likely to be mild, moderate, or severe? What are the potential impacts on the change initiative? Consider how the resistance might manifest—through vocal opposition, silent noncompliance, or something else entirely.

Formulating Response Strategies

Now, it’s time to brainstorm ways to address the identified resistance. Develop clear communication strategies, plan for ongoing support and reassurance throughout the change process, and maintain transparency at all stages. Write these strategies down as they will be used in the next stage.

Role-playing Exercise

In this interactive part of the exercise, participants will assume the roles of different stakeholders and enact scenarios of resistance. Others will use the strategies they’ve developed to respond to this resistance. This role-playing can offer valuable insights into how stakeholders might react and how effectively your strategies work.

Evaluation and Feedback

Reflect on the effectiveness of your response strategies after the role-play. Did they alleviate concerns? Were there unexpected reactions? Participants should provide constructive feedback and suggest alternative strategies if necessary.

Adjusting Strategies

Based on the feedback and reflections, modify your response strategies. This might involve tweaking your communication approach, providing additional support, or even reconsidering some aspects of the change. The goal is to finalize strategies that will be robust and flexible in the face of real-world resistance.


Preparing for resistance to change is a proactive approach that can significantly smooth your change management process. It equips you with a toolkit of strategies and an empathetic understanding of your stakeholders. Keep practicing and refining your strategies, and remember: resistance is a natural response to change, not a roadblock. Embrace the challenge and learn from it to foster a positive change environment.